Thursday, December 08, 2005

I hate Maggie Gyllenhaal

Ok, so not really.

Last night I went to the theatre and saw Jarhead starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard.

Drool. Drool. Drool. My god they were beautiful - and talented!!??!! Lordy.

But I digress. After watching the movie and sliding out of my seat a couple of times, I came home and watched Happy Endings, staring several people including Maggie Gyllenhaal, sister of Jake and girlfriend to Peter S.

I wanted to dislike her, really really I did. Pure jealousy, through and through. Even though obviously romantic interactions with her brother are out of the picture, she gets to sleep with Peter S., hang with the artsy cool actor crowd, star in all kinds of awesome movies, and is the up and coming "it" girl. So I had decided to loathe her.

Movie starts, and I notice her boobs are way saggy. Surprising for such a young woman. Even with a bra on. So I fixate on that one failure for a while. Anything to get my negative feelings vindicated.

Then it happened. She did an amazing job of acting. I had already seen and loved Secretary, and by contrasting her roles between these two films could not help but identify her strong talent. By god she is an actor's actor. Then it hit me that despite all the Hollywood pressure and plasticity, her boobs looking that way were because THEY ARE REAL.

Dammit, now I admire the woman. And I can't even pretend to be saying that in the hopes of getting close to her brother, 'cause the gosh darn guy is with Kirsten Dunst.

I think I'll hate her instead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is discouraging that you like this worthless turd of an actress. People like you are the reason we're stuck with horirble actors and even worse movies. Let me guess, you love matthew mccoughnahey and Colin Farrel? God what happened to the movie industry?