Sunday, November 26, 2006

living space

Isn't it amazing how incredibly difficult it is to rent an apartment in NYC. I'm so lucky to have a great space in a great location.

Knock on wood and all.

I've been in this apartment on my own for over two years now. Every morning as I leave my apartment I actually turn back to look in and feel a swelling of pride.

But I think that my love of my apartment has thrown a wrench in my social life. Because I LOVE to come home. In my life when I didn't much feel like going home for a myriad of reasons I could be out on the town up to five nights a week. That kind of life was full of adventure, socialization, and tons of fun.

Being comfortable and safe is the enemy of extra curricular activities. Who knew?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! i know what you mean. a nice apt can be a real bummer. wanna trade?