Thursday, October 16, 2008

biker love

Have you been watching that new A&E show "Sons of Anarchy"? I have.

It makes me want to be badass.

Sure, they break laws. And morals. And property. And a few hearts. (awwww)

There is something so seductive about being so tough and rugged, and being around people who are like that. Heck, I almost want to be the girl characters. Except for having to sleep with the gross biker guys. The hot ones okay. But the necromantic one ewww.

Maybe the dating a felon thing wouldn't sit well with me either. Your guy sleeping around when attending a patch party might bug me as well. Them selling drugs and guns contributing to crime could be a moral issue too.

Hmmm. I think I'll just stick to watching the TV show. Being badass seems like it has a few too many negative side effects.

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