Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today I made a really great discovery on my journey through yoga. I realized that when signing up for this series I only considered why I would enjoy the experience, not how I may actually be suited for it.

My natural speaking voice carries. I have a tone that resonates, and my volume tends to be on the stronger side. I have a flair for the dramatic, adding tone and inflection to dialogue.

Huh, good for giving directions to a room full of people who are hanging upside-down.

Never occurred to me until today.

This week I have practiced three times at the studio already, out of four days of the week. It is clear to me how much an instructor can make or break your yoga experience. Astoundingly so.

There is so much to absorb, between theory and breathing and poses and Sanskrit and and and...

One lesson stuck with me tonight. To accept again that I Don't Know.

My job consists of me knowing everything, answering every question. Even when I don't actually have an answer to a question I do have a clear path to discovering the required information. Somewhere along the line I have become a know-it-all.


So here I am now, letting go. I DO NOT know everything. In fact, I only know a little bit about a very few things.

Looking back, I remember how enjoyable life was when I absorbed information. I miss that.

Therefore I resolve that I will be open to learn again. And keep learning.

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