Thursday, April 10, 2008


Lord I love Scrubs. I had no idea how much until I Netflixed (has this word made it to the dictionary yet??) them all - from season 1 on, consecutively.

If you love it like me, check out this trivia quiz. I keep playing but can't beat 8 out of 10.


You know, I think that strike gave the writers time to really pull out some good stuff again. The show was getting stale there for a while. Tonight? Awesome.

Just in case tonight's comedy prime time didn't provide enough laughter, feast eyes on one of the joys of NYC life. On my way home I spotted this couple clad in...well...
Some kind of knit wear. Dude. They guy has knit pants under his knit tunic.

You just can't make this stuff up.


Domestic Bloggess said...

Have only commented once, but read quite often from Canada. The knitwear had me bustin' a gut and sharing with my man. Seriously good stuff. Reminds me of some stuff we saw on our honeymoon in L.A. A dude holding a sign saying "feel free to insult me publicly for 1$" Crazy ...

Flighty Bird said...

i wonder if their pet is also wearing knit-wear in that carrier case...

Heather said...

LOVE the pet carrier as well...if only that could have been knitted also it would have rounded out the whole shebang. Hotness!

Flighty Bird said...

yes, but Heather...than they wouldn't have the fierce Elle Woods argyle going on...