I love getting invited to company events....that have an open bar.
Promise me some complimentary beverages and I'm golden. By nature I'm comfortable with mingling, and can navigate social situations fairly easily.
So needless to say I was stoked to get invited to a party by my boss' boss. Along with four other hand picked invites. Seems I've been selected as one of the worthy ones. Or fun ones, take your pick. Then I noticed a line that I never see on the email.
This is a black tie event.
Errrrrr. I've had drinks with the bigwigs a few times in my life. But I never had to dress up or anything. Dude, I'm going to have to buy a dress. A nicer dress.
And Shoes. Like, heels and stuff. They type you don't walk home in.
One thing I am not is a shopper. I have my staple clothes and I have my staple shoes.
All this ran through my head within seconds after reading the line, and I couldn't help but laugh out loud. What I go through for a free drink, I tell ya.
The History Of Yoga
8 years ago